jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2023

monit - monitoreo proactivo de programas y procesos


¿Qué es Monit?

De acuerdo con su propia definición, Monit es una utilidad gratuita y Open Source para administrar y monitorear procesos, archivos, directorios y filesystems en un sistema Unix. Realiza tareas automáticas de mantenimiento y reparación y puede ejecutar acciones significativas durante situaciones de error.

método de instalación

apt-get install monit

para iniciarlo automáticamente 

vamos a /etc/default/monit

y cambiamos startup=0 por 1

configuración global


Aquí pondré lo más relevante

Que chequee cada 2 minutos

set daemon  120           # check services at 2-minute intervals

Activo el log

set logfile syslog facility log_daemon                       

Activo el servidor web en el puerto 2812

set httpd port 2812 and

El servidor va a mostrarse por la ip

use address

Permito aceso a esta ip solamente


Usuario y password con acceso a la interfaz web

allow admin:clav3      

Aquí pondré los servicios que estoy monitoreando estos van dentro de este directorio. 


Creo los ficheros touch /etc/monit/monitrc/conf.d/amavisd

y dentro le pongo esto:

check process amavis with pidfile /var/run/amavis/amavisd.pid

    group amavis

    start program = "/etc/init.d/amavis start"

    stop  program = "/etc/init.d/amavis stop"

    if failed port 10024 then restart

    if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout

touch /etc/monit/monitrc/conf.d/postfix

y dentro le pongo esto:

check process postfix with pidfile /var/spool/postfix/pid/master.pid

group postfix

start program = "/etc/init.d/postfix start"

stop  program = "/etc/init.d/postfix stop"

if failed port 25 protocol smtp then restart

if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout

depends on postfix_rc

check file postfix_rc with path /etc/init.d/postfix

group postfix

if failed checksum then unmonitor

if failed permission 755 then unmonitor

if failed uid root then unmonitor

if failed gid root then unmonitor

touch /etc/monit/monitrc/conf.d/dovecot

y dentro le pongo esto:

check process dovecot with pidfile /var/run/dovecot/master.pid

    start program = "/etc/init.d/dovecot start"

    stop program = "/etc/init.d/dovecot stop"

    group dovecot

    if failed host localhost port 993 type tcpssl sslauto protocol imap then restart

    if failed host localhost port 143 protocol imap  then restart

    if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout

    depends dovecot_init

    depends dovecot_bin

    check file dovecot_init with path /etc/init.d/dovecot

    group dovecot

    check file dovecot_bin with path /usr/sbin/dovecot

    group dovecot

touch /etc/monit/monitrc/conf.d/clamav-daemon

y dentro le pongo esto:

check process clamav-daemon with pidfile /var/run/clamav/clamd.pid

    group clamav

    start program = "/etc/init.d/clamav-daemon start"

    stop  program = "/etc/init.d/clamav-daemon stop"

    if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout

    depends on clamavd_bin

    depends on clamavd_rc

check file clamavd_bin with path /usr/sbin/clamd

    group clamav

    if failed checksum then unmonitor

    if failed permission 755 then unmonitor

    if failed uid root then unmonitor

    if failed gid root then unmonitor

check file clamavd_rc with path /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon

    group clamav

    if failed checksum then unmonitor

    if failed permission 755 then unmonitor

    if failed uid root then unmonitor

    if failed gid root then unmonitor

touch /etc/monit/monitrc/conf.d/apache2

y dentro le pongo esto:

check process apache2 with pidfile /var/run/apache2.pid

    group www-data

    start program = "/etc/init.d/apache2 start"

    stop  program = "/etc/init.d/apache2 stop"

    if failed port 80 then restart

    if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout

    depends on apache_bin

    depends on apache_rc

check file apache_bin with path /usr/sbin/apache2

    group www-data

    if failed checksum then unmonitor

    if failed permission 755 then unmonitor

    if failed uid root then unmonitor

    if failed gid root then unmonitor

check file apache_rc with path /etc/init.d/apache2

    group www-data

    if failed checksum then unmonitor

    if failed permission 755 then unmonitor

    if failed uid root then unmonitor

    if failed gid root then unmonitor

Como ven el monit arranca 

root@mail:~# date

mié oct 24 14:26:17 CDT 2012

root@mail:~# invoke-rc.d postfix stop

Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent: postfix.

root@mail:~# date

mié oct 24 14:27:58 CDT 2012

root@mail:~# date

mié oct 24 14:28:01 CDT 2012

root@mail:~# invoke-rc.d postfix status

postfix is running.






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